6 Podcast Trends of 2024 & How to Capitalize on Them

As we stride deeper into 2024, the podcasting world continues to evolve with rapid technological advances and shifting listener preferences. For podcast creators, staying informed about the latest trends is crucial to adapt and thrive in this dynamic landscape. This blog will explore the emerging trends in podcasting for 2024 that every creator needs to be aware of.

1. Video is King

The popularity of video podcasting has surged, with video utilization in podcasts jumping from 17% in 2019 to 85% in 2023. This trend will continue, largely propelled by YouTube’s vast audience—five times larger than typical podcast platforms. YouTube continues to roll out features for podcasting, which is a good indicator of where things are headed. Video is an easy way to enhance engagement and reach, but high-quality production is crucial. If recording virtually, make sure to use a dedicated platform like Riverside or Stream Yard.

2. Repurposing Video for Social Media

A growing trend among content creators is transforming video podcasts into engaging clips for social media. This strategy leverages the power of short, impactful videos to capture the attention of social media users, who are often looking for quick and entertaining content. By distilling the essence of a full-length podcast into smaller snippets, creators can effectively tease key points or interesting moments. This not only serves to pique interest and draw viewers to the full podcast but also maximizes the content’s exposure and utility, driving up subscriber counts and expanding digital footprints. This trend is quickly becoming a standard practice for savvy podcasters aiming to broaden their audience and enhance engagement.

3. The Rise of AI in Podcast Production and Editing

AI is set to revolutionize podcast production by automating editing, enhancing sound quality, and even generating content. AI tools like Adobe Podcast can help reduce the time and effort required for post-production tasks, allowing creators to focus more on content creation and audience engagement.

4. Increased Focus on Niche Podcasting

As the podcast market becomes more saturated, the importance of niche targeting grows. Podcasters who specialize in specific genres or subjects can build a more dedicated and engaged audience. This trend encourages creators to explore less crowded niches where they can establish themselves as experts. Aim for creating 1,000 loyal fans instead of becoming the next Joe Rogan.

5. Growth of Podcast Collaborations

Joining forces with other podcasters can provide mutual benefits, including shared resources, cross-promotion, and expanded listener bases. As the competition intensifies, collaborations become vital for amplifying reach and relevance. Those who go out of their way to build relationships and view other shows as allies instead of competitors will succeed in 2024.

6. Client Acquisition Strategy

If your aim is to sell directly to your audience, it might take a couple of years to start seeing an ROI. A better method is to use your podcast as a relationship-building tool. Interview guests who fit your ICP or can help promote you to your ideal customer. Using this method, your podcast has a high likelihood of delivering an ROI from day one. Down the road, you can reap the benefits of a large audience base, but in the meantime, you can use this strategy to ensure your podcast can pay for itself.


In 2024, successful podcasting hinges on effectively using new technologies, delving into niche markets, and fostering deeper connections with audiences through innovative formats like video clips and AI-enhanced productions. By embracing these trends, podcasters not only enhance their content's appeal and reach but also secure a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving media landscape.


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