How to Create Content People Like & Share

Have you ever wondered why some people's posts get tons of likes and shares, while yours seem to disappear into the void? Let's explore how to create content that people actually want to see and share.

Start With What You Know

The best content comes from your own experiences. Instead of trying to be an expert on everything, focus on what you've actually done. Here's why:

1. You can't fake real experience.

2. People trust stories more than advice.

3. It's easier to talk about things you've actually done.

The "Do, Then Tell" Method

Here's a simple way to create great content:

1. Do something interesting.

2. Talk about what you did.

3. Do something even bigger.

4. Repeat.

This way, you're always sharing real experiences, not just empty advice.

Be Specific, Not General

Instead of saying "How to Make a Million Dollars," try "How I Made $10,000 Selling Handmade Soap." It might seem less impressive, but it's more believable and helpful.

Give Away Your Best Stuff

This might sound counterintuitive, but the more value you give away for free, the more people will trust you. Don't hold back your best tips for a paid course. Share them openly. Here's why:

1. It builds trust.

2. It demonstrates your expertise.

3. Most people won't take action anyway, so those who do will value your help even more.

Be Patient

Success doesn't happen overnight. The longer you consistently create helpful content without asking for anything in return, the more people will trust and respect you. It's like planting a tree - it takes time to grow, but once it does, it keeps getting bigger.

Focus on Helping, Not Selling

Ask yourself: "Am I making this to help people or to make myself look good?" Always choose helping. When you genuinely help people, they'll naturally want to support you.

Be Real About Your Journey

Don't pretend to be perfect. Share your struggles and failures too. It makes you more relatable and trustworthy. Remember, you're an expert on your own life and experiences - no one can argue with that.

Start Small and Grow

You don't need to be world-famous to start. If you're great at fixing cars in your hometown, talk about that. As you grow and learn, your content can grow too.

Quality Over Quantity (But Do Both if You Can)

It's better to post one really helpful video than ten useless ones. But if you can make lots of helpful content, even better!

The Secret Ingredient: Time

Keep at it. The more you create, the better you'll get. It's like any skill - practice makes perfect. Don't get discouraged if you're not great at first. Keep going, and one day you'll look back and be amazed at how far you've come.

Remember, the goal isn't to get rich quick or become famous overnight. It's to genuinely help people and share what you know. Do that consistently, and success will follow. Now go out there and start creating content that truly resonates with your audience!


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