How to Stay Motivated: 5 Secrets to Harness Superhuman Persistence When Overcoming a New Challenge

When you start a new business, or aim to take your current business to the next level, the road can be a long one. But it isn’t infinite. So as long as you can keep walking the road, you’ll get there eventually.

The trick is persistence. But how do you get the persistence you need to overcome all the challenges along the way? The secrets below can help.

Clarify Steps

When new challenges come your way, you need to address them with clear steps. By making an action plan with steps that you can check off, you don’t feel like you have to solve everything at once.

That means you maximize persistence, because you only take it one bit at a time.

Find Allies

Bringing in allies helps your persistence, because you can split tasks and are accountable to more than just yourself. On top of that, with every member you add to your team, you add in skills and opportunities.

If you are a loner, remember allies don’t have to be permanent partners in the process — finding allies can be as simple as asking insight from a friend or relative on a specific issue.

Automate, Automate, Automate

If you find solutions to problems, try to automate the solution or build safeguards into your routine. This way, you have a lot more bandwidth for new challenges.

Set up automatic bill pay, keep a spreadsheet of helpful vendors, keep a list of best practices you can refer to — these are all ways to clear your table and energy for the new challenges that come your way.

Keep End Goals in Mind

Persistence requires never losing sight of the end goal. Temporary problems can end up getting you off course as you have to adjust. But then you raise your head to the horizon and you realize you are further off than you were before.

So keep your end goals in mind all along the way. It protects you from discouragement later on.

Know How to Downshift

There will be points where things have to be put on the shelf for a time. It happens to everyone.

But you don’t want to lose momentum. So you need to know how to downshift. The trick is to reduce your time and energy, but don’t let it go down to zero. If you totally stop making progress, the paint will dry and things will be hard to come back to.

Keep engaging with project regularly, and you’ll be able to pick up the pace once the storm has passed.


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