What the Best Corporate Event Planners Do (and Why You Need One)

Corporate events cover a wide range — including retreats, trade shows, conferences, and more. But all of these events share one thing: they require a lot of planning.

A corporate event planner makes sure all the scheduling and logistical needs are met, as well as taking care of any design, catering, and marketing that you might need.

Companies hire planners freelance, from an agency, or as a permanent in-house position. And as corporate events become more and more commonplace, that means it is a rapidly growing profession.

But here’s the big question: why hire a corporate event planner in the first place?

Expertise and Relationships

A planner is selling you their experience. That doesn’t just mean that they’ve done this before, it also means they’ve built up connections, developed best practices, and learned a lot along the way.

This helps on multiple fronts.

While their services cost money, a good planner can get you a lot more for your budget. They know how to negotiate with venues and vendors, and they know where it’s good to spend a bit more and where you can cut costs.

Many planners will also know a lot of options that just aren’t available to everyone. By cultivating professional relationships in the field, they know exactly who to call — even when it looks like there are no options.

These connections can make the difference between a mediocre event and a spectacular one. For example: at one of our recent retreats in Morocco, we were able to leverage our connections to hire a local musician to come perform a traditional song and dance during the opening ceremony that created an authentic, truly memorable start to the whole week together. It would have been a completely different experience without those special details.

And speaking of details…

Eye for Detail

Let’s say you want to host a conference. How many breaks are too many? How many options should people have during any given time block? How are people going to know where the bathroom is?

Even a relatively small event has a million details that have to be managed. And the amount can grow exponentially depending on the size and nature of what you’re hosting.

A great corporate event planner will have a superhuman attention to these details. Because sometimes the easiest things to overlook end up ruining an event.

The Artist at Work

Planning requires a lot of tasks that need precision and by-the-book execution. But the best corporate event planners are able to jump between this and creativity.

Creativity is required in the early stages, especially if you want your event to be memorable. But it also is needed on the fly — when the caterer is late or the DJ cancels at the last minute.

Knowing the ins and outs of corporate events allows planners to make connections and find solutions a non-expert just won’t be able to.

The Problem With DIY

If you really want a corporate event to shine, you’re going to need a dedicated planner. They bring so much to the table, and have skills and a knowledge base you can’t match as an amateur.

And once you find a talented planner, make sure to use this resource. Successful events can create momentum, boost satisfaction, generate new clients, and build your brand.

With a great planner you can connect amazing experiences to your company and unlock the full potential of your team. If you could use that, you could use a corporate event planner.


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