Your Smile Creates an Unstoppable Mental State: Here's How

You ought to smile more even when you're not feeling it. Let your default resting mode be one of bliss, contentment, kindness. It might feel weird or even sacrilegious to whatever struggle you are currently facing, but truth be told, why do you need to frown or take things seriously? Your zest for life should never be diminished just because the thing is hard does not mean you cannot find joy in it. The heaviest burden you'll ever carry is distraction. The reason this is the truth is that your consciousness becomes split between two realities.

One part of you is longing for a reality that is not in the present. This is the definition of distraction. You’re getting pulled in two directions.

And when your consciousness is split in this matter

You might find that one part of yourself is sitting there resenting the gods and all the decisions of the past that brought you to the spot on the map. So now that you are physically here at this place on the spot on the map, your active mind is grumbling and cursing at all the wrong turns and obstacles.

This mind of yours is stuck in the past - only able to see the darkness of bad choices.

Your other mind is the mind that even though it is still here now, it’s being held hostage by this brooding villain that is your ego. As your unhappy mind throws a tantrum, it chokes the true mind, the present mind from coming to the surface.

And so this current spot on the map remains unseen, hidden in the darkness of the past.

When you smile, you give the true mind in your subconscious the power to regain control of your vision. You begin to see this current spot on the map as a paradise because frankly, it truly is just that. You witness the now, the present glory, the place you are chosen to be.

This only happens when you let go of your vengeful grumbling ego and entertain the true owner of your consciousness with gratitude, presence, and joy.

Here is where you belong. Here is where you bend the matrix and pull back the curtain of darkness to reveal the paradise that is this current spot on the map.


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