Finding Your Purpose | Ep. 29
Finding Your Purpose.
What are you meant to do?
You have endless talents, what will you use them for?
When you aren’t sure of what your purpose is, build pyramids.
Build what you know.
Build what you value.
We look back at the efforts of the Egyptians 2000 years ago and wonder what the point was.
The pyramids don’t serve any purpose.
Yet, they exist.
The effort that went into creating them is indisputable.
Someone had the vision to build them, then recruited the labor and minds of others to make them happen.
So your dream might feel ambiguous right now.
That’s alright.
Nurture it. It will grow.
Continue taking care of that mission every day, and people will show up to help you bring it into fruition.
Build a pyramid.
It doesn’t have to be some divine, perfect purpose. It just needs to invite you to apply effort.
You always have effort, you always have passion.
Put them into action building.
It doesn’t matter what shape your pyramid will manifest when it’s done.
It matters that you gain skills and perspective as you build.
That’s what makes a great life.
The great life is built brick on brick.
Every day laying another brick on the foundation.