Letting Out the Fire in You with Mike Pachan | Ep. 93
Mike Pachan
Mike is the CEO of Mountain Made and an undiagnosed entrepreneurial addict. Start-ups are his game, and he loves all things business, from team building, planning, and mapping. They all give him life—but got other hobbies too.
When he’s not running a business empire, he is out spending time with his amazing wife and adorable canine companions, exploring the world around them. You can also find him embodying the #GoLikeHell spirit with a ton of active hobbies such as homesteading, downhill mountain biking, trail running, and anything outside (even yard work!)
Mike wakes up early and works late. He has a complete Mountain Made CBD regimen and an outlet that allows him to let out his creative energy and be his authentic self to keep creating and moving in the right direction.
Segmented timestamps:
[01:18] - How Mike maintains his discipline of waking up early and working late
[02:40] - Mike shares about the time when he was pursuing big goals and how he mapped his pathway to bring them to fruition
[06:54] - Ways that Mike leveraged the process of transformation from start-up to changing and evolving even as he expanded his business
[10:59] - Three golden rules of how to be successful in sales that Mike picked up along his journey
[17:54] - How Mike harnessed his value for integrity, especially when it comes to providing value and money
[21:04] - Practical tips on how to let go of a scarcity mindset and embrace an abundance mindset
[24:07] - Mike’s favorite decision-making model that he has found helpful for day-to-day tasks and big life decisions
[28:09] - How to reach out, support, or connect with Mike
Notable Quotes:
“Diamonds and good concentrates come in times of pressure, and it’s the best time to look for opportunities.” ~ Mike Pachan
“Many of us get paralyzed when starting a new venture because we can’t see what the future holds.” ~ Noah Scott
"The reason why you’re not seeing it down the line is probably because what is in your mind is not going to be the reality that manifests.” ~ Mike Pachan
“Rigidity should come from daily practices of doing something to accomplish a goal while letting the goal to sway a little." ~ Mike Pachan
Reach Mike at:
Website: https://mpachanltd.com/
Website: https://mountainmadecbd.com/
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