The Value of Risk Taking with Colleen Gallagher | Ep. 110
Colleen Gallagher
Colleen Gallagher is an Intuitive Business Consultant, cancer survivor, podcast host, global citizen, published author of books, educator, social media guide, and passionate about empowering people to gain clarity on their purpose.
Colleen created a life filled with subconscious anger and guilt and a persistent sense of unworthiness after being diagnosed with cancer at age 14 because it allowed her to blame the world for her unhappiness. Yet, at age 23, she had enough. She wanted to figure out how to live the life she truly desired, turn cancer into a gift, and discover why she was here.
She quit her job, moved across the world to New Zealand, and healed herself with love. This experience—and the new openness it ushered in—revealed to her that many people live every day in subconscious negativity, which holds them back from their true and unlimited potential.
Her most tremendous success is seeing her clients become empowered to create lifestyles that transform their lives and change the world. Colleen offers this experience through online courses, retreats, products, and social media content. People can deepen their spiritual practices, understand the power of expression to attract opportunities, and take deliberate action toward growing a sustainable impact.
Segmented timestamps:
[00:19] - Episode intro and a quick bio of the guest
[01:26] - Who is Colleen Gallagher?
[02:35] - Story time- taking the risk of leaving her job to live the life of her dreams
[06:11] - Valuable life lessons she learned by taking the risks
[09:15] - Changing the mindset from being discontented to accepting the process
[13:12] - Leveraging the resources around you for an abundance of success
[16:58] - Her bottom-up working model and its benefits
[18:43] - Decision-making framework that has worked for Colleen
[22:50]- How to reach out and connect with Colleen
[23:10]- Wrap-up and calls to action
Notable Quotes:
“Get uncomfortable in your comfort.” ~ Colleen Gallagher
“If you don’t take risks, you will never know and exploit your potential.” ~ Colleen Gallagher
"Our dreams come true because they are made on actions." ~ Noah Scott
“The energy you take action with is more important than the action itself.” ~ Colleen Gallagher
“If you cannot say that you do not have the time, you are not living your soul purpose.” ~ Colleen Gallagher
Reach Colleen at:
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