Rewiring Your Mind to Achieve the Impossible with Michele Blood | Ep. 84
Michele Blood
Michele is a successful multi-talented lady and a former rock singer in Australia. After a nearly fatal accident, she created positive affirmations songs that not only healed her body but also took her to Worldwide success. These affirmation songs affect the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Lyrics affect the left hemisphere, and Melody and music the right Hemisphere. They also go straight to the subconscious mind.
Michele is from Australia, and she has been on TV since she was five. She was in a rock band as a singer, songwriter, or Manager. They got a record rival, and they were doing well touring all over Australia with big Bands from overseas doing videos and making music records.
After the accident, Michele shifted and took a different direction in life. Today she’s living in America and teaching people deep-rooted Mysticism and meditation She teaches people from all over the world and all walks of life how to enjoy their life and shift their own paradigm.
Segmented timestamps:
[01:04] - About Michele, her pivotal moment, and how she created her new path in life
[03:17] - Michele shares about a time she was chasing an impossible goal and how she went against the odds to make things happen
[06:10] - Michele defining moments and the shift to her new alignment and purpose in life after the car accident
[12:05] - Some of the practical things that you tap into and find the courage to live boldly and embrace the risk to thrive
[16:29] - How you can increase the odds of your affirmation working for you and live a successful life
[20:13] - Decision-making framework and the tools Michele has found to be helpful When approaching big decisions in life
[20:19] - How to support Michele and get resources that can help us rewire your brain for Success
Notable Quotes:
“Challenging yourself to stretch and do that thing that you think is impossible is where success begins.” ~ Michele Blood
"Affirmation can help you dissipate fear and doubts and get in a different, more empowering vibration." ~ Michele Blood
" Learn to lean on the support of people who have been there before and figure it out." ~ Michele Blood
" A real decision is something that you are committed to making it work no matter what." ~ Michele Blood
Resources Mentioned
The Magic of Affirmation Power (Live a Fulfilling, Positive, Happy Life)
Michele’s Magnetic Creative Visualization MP3s (Accelerate Your Mind to Thoughts of Prosperity)
To get the resources, Click Here
Reach Michele at
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