The Point Where Everything Starts to Work | Ep. 34

There’s a turning point that happens to a champion.

There’s a moment where a hero discovers a hidden switch somewhere that unleashes enough courage to blast through obstacles and emerge victorious, unstoppable.

That turning point is not a magic spell that rains down from heaven, it’s not a pill like in the matrix, but it’s nearly as instantaneous.

The point is like the accumulation of force under pressure, like the tires of a race car hugging a turn, and just when the force is about to flip the car over, the driver smashes the accelerator and the car shoots out of the curve with full momentum.

Or the clarity that the air is granted after the first rain of the season, when all the smog and grime is wiped away, revealing a purity almost forgotten.

This moment is upon you.

The moment when you spin out of the cocoon, bursting 100 miles an hour towards a life calling you know has been written specifically for you.

So how do you access this turning point?

It’s undoubtedly a result of a very powerful combination of forces: struggle, and faith.

The two work like opposing sides of a coin.

When you stop to look at it, you’ll only see one side.

Focus on struggle and that’s all you get.

Focus on faith and you’re left dreaming.

It is only when you flip the coin that the two begin to merge together.

Faith and struggle. That is your compass that will guide you.


Courage is Calling (and You Can't Afford to Ignore It) | Ep. 36


The Impossible Just Hasn’t Been Conceived Yet | Ep. 33