Today Represents Rebirth | Ep. 01

Today represents rebirth. You were born, then you learned, then you lived, then you were granted the blessing of the universe to develop and today, this is the time you were called forward: to start the game.

Everything in your past simply makes up your base stats - the data you begin the game with, The prologue to your story.

You were born for this day. All else is backstory. There is a great wide world waiting to be explored. Today you are given a batch of equipment and clues to go forward and release the universe from suffering into salvation. You simply need to focus on the quests before you know.

So often you spent your days during the prologue longing for the riches of other characters, longing for the actions of the program to follow your blind decisions, never realizing that all of that was simply a cut scene, the backstory, leading up to this moment.

None of the phantom pains of the past are real. Zero. Today you awaken from the backstory. Today you awaken from the prologue. You were born for this day, today you choose to bring happiness with you on your quests, and save the world from suffering.


Don’t Let Your Expectations Slap Your Progress Around | Ep. 02


Let the Show Begin... A Declaration for Things to Come | Ep. 0