Pursuing And Building What You Believe In with Koen Geron | Ep. 120
Koen Geron
Koen stopped his marketing business because he noticed something was very wrong in his life. His dating life failed because he worked 60 to 80 hours a week. That is what made him to start his company, Hovalo.
Hovalo is an online dating and management company that helps busy entrepreneurs and professionals optimize the results of their online dating while minimizing their time investment.
Koen had all the systems in place, a great network with top people in the industry, and a good paycheck, but it didn’t make him happier. He realized that money was not the thing and shifted to investing in relationships to have a more fulfilling life and change life.
Segmented timestamps:
[01:08] - A bit about Koen and his superpower
[01:58] - How Koen is making an impact and changing lives through his business and personal projects
[03:23] - Koen shares about a time when he took the biggest risk to build something that he believed in
[06:59] - Practices that Koen has found to be particularly helpful to push through challenges and show up with energy
[10:36] - How to overcome setbacks that show up in our entrepreneurship path
[12:47] - About Hovalo dating app and tips on how you can find success in your dating life
[16:22] - Marketing and client acquisition strategies to help you find your avatar
[20:12] - Decision-making frameworks that Koen has found to be particularly helpful when making decisions
[21:51] - How to reach out, connect or support Koen
Notable Quotes:
“Money will not make you feel fulfilled; find what your dream life looks like and build your business around that.” ~ Koen Geron
“Self-management is important in today's time; analyze where your dopamine is responsible and the things you lose a lot of time on to stay in check.” ~ Koen Geron
"Writing down your problem enables you to see the problem more clearly and articulate in a way that solutions will come into your head." ~ Koen Geron
"You need to set a volume in order to make things work in your business." ~ Koen Geron
Reach Koen at:
Website: https://hovalo.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/koengeron/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/koen.geron
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3P7zaRto2pvEPGY9uJoPQ
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