How To Harness Your Creativity with Carol MacConnel | Ep. 100

Carol MacConnel

Carol MacConnel is a versatile and prolific contemporary artist who creates painting solutions for interior designers and corporate clients. She also works with couples and individuals to select the perfect piece of art for their homes. 

With a degree in arts, MacConnel worked for many years in the corporate sector before taking the leap into running her own art business. She started her career in the Graphic art field in packaging, trade shows, and literature which was fun, but she didn’t do any artwork. So, she left that and moved to sales for a while to make more money and get more free time to do art. She did a job share in media sales, where she worked 3 days a week which allowed her to rent a studio and do her painting for two days a week. 

Now it’s about 18 years later, and she is in a huge fabulous studio, and she paints six days a week. MacConnel is passionate about painting, and she does it like her job. She also owns a gallery and an ecommerce website where she sells her art. 

Segmented timestamps:

  • [01:11] - About MacConnel, her journey, and what she does in the art world  

  • [03:37] - MacConnel shares about the time that she was pursuing a goal that seemed impossible and how she went through it

  • [07:34] - Practical tips on how to wave through the challenges of getting started and become successful in your creative career 

  • [09:49] - Some of the highlights and existing projects that MacConnel has done 

  • [12:53] - How you can harness and find your creativity 

  • [16:54] - MacConnel's favorite decision-making mental model that she has found particularly helpful in big and day to day decisions

  • [18:00] - MacConnel’s most impactful life lesson in her journey 

  • [19:17] - How to reach out, support, or connect with MacConnel

Notable Quotes:

“Get started, mess up the canvas, and don’t let your art material become so precious.” ~ Carol MacConnel

"Scared money doesn’t make money; you need to take the risk to invest in the tools at your disposal." ~ Noah Scott

“Inspiration will find you when you’re working; if you wait for inspiration, you will never paint.” ~ Carol MacConnel

Reach MacConnel at:



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