Taking Control of Your Life with ST Rappaport | Ep. 99

ST Rappaport

ST Rappaport works with young professionals who, despite trying everything, still feel powerless to take control of their lives, find focus and increase productivity. She assists them in rewiring their brain so that they can remove overwhelm, get things done and be more expective at work  

Growing up, ST's parents spent a lot of money on tutors with no results. Her mom, who is originally from Israel, where Feuerstein is popular, sought it as an alternative to improve her mental health. It worked, and around 10th grade, she had made a giant leap from where she was before, but she was fed up with school.

She convinced her parents to let her switch to college in England, where they finish school at 16 and start college. Thanks to the Feuerstein work done on rewiring her brain, ST was able to adjust to the situation, get along with everyone and make things work. 

This was amazing, and during the holidays, she started training in Feuerstein, and the best part was that as she got trained, her brain started working EVEN MORE efficiently. She began planning even better and understood people from new perspectives. As a coach, ST helps people make similar shifts in their lives.

Segmented timestamps:

  • [01:57] - ST shares about the time when she was pursuing something that was big and how she embraced that challenge to achieve

  • [05:51] - What ST is currently focused on stretching to get better in what she does

  • [09:00] - Some practices that ST has found to be particularly impactful to the people she is working with

  • [12:29] - Tips on finding an outside perspective and how to get answers by using your non-dominant hand

  • [15:12] - Practical decision-making model that ST has found to be helpful in big decisions and managing everyday decisions

  • [18:06] - ST’s most impactful life lesson in her journey that keeps her going

  • [20:31] - How to reach out, support, or connect with ST

Notable Quotes:

“It’s important to work together with your brain instead of trying to fight it off.” ~ ST Rappaport

“We all have weaker and stronger cognitive functions, but the weak ones often have a dominant effect on all other areas of life.” ~ ST Rappaport

"If you have hard time comparing, or don’t know how to compare correctly, you’re going to have a hard time making decisions." ~ ST Rappaport

Reach ST at:

Website: https://www.lifepixuniversity.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/st-rappaport-869b7619b/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifepixuniversity

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